A bored dog is an unhappy dog which often leads to an unhappy owner. And sharing playtime, whether fetch, tug-of-war or any number of interactive games is one of the Pawmazing joys of pet ownership. Dogs come in all sizes and energy levels and no one toy is right for all dogs. We have a wide selection of toys in various sizes, shapes, materials and durabilities so that you can find one that's appropriate for your dog and fun for you both.
Some dogs, like some children, have that one favorite toy. Other dogs love variety. Some dogs play by themselves while others prefer to play with another dog or person. There is also a wide range of doggie play behaviors including cuddling, tossing, fetching, tugging and shaking.
In order to help pet parents choose appropriate toys for their furry children we have created the Toy Pawformance Rating System that ranks toys on their toughness from 1 - 5. You can read about it here.
For more information on how to choose the right toy for your dog see our Decision Guide "How to Choose a Dog Toy" here.