Wool Mouse Cat Toy
$5.99 / each
Actual excerpt from a Cat’s Christmas Letter:
“Dear Santa Cat, Please send me a Wool Mouse stuffed with Coconut Fiber for Christmas, and maybe put an opening in him so he can be stuffed with Catnip… I been a very good Cat.”
How could we make that up? Here it is, All Natural Wool & Coconut Fibers, with an opening to stuff Catnip inside…
Wool Mouse (velcro for catnip)
All ABO Gear – Aussie Naturals products are tested by Atlanta’s Toughest Rescue Cats. Learn More
“Dear Santa Cat, Please send me a Wool Mouse stuffed with Coconut Fiber for Christmas, and maybe put an opening in him so he can be stuffed with Catnip… I been a very good Cat.”
How could we make that up? Here it is, All Natural Wool & Coconut Fibers, with an opening to stuff Catnip inside…
Wool Mouse (velcro for catnip)
All ABO Gear – Aussie Naturals products are tested by Atlanta’s Toughest Rescue Cats. Learn More